Calling All Dogs In Workplaces In Western Australia

K9-5: the business of dogs in the workplace.
A unique photography project celebrating businesses who welcome dogs into their workplace. Accomplished animal photographer Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne is beginning work on a major photographic project showcasing dog-friendly workplaces across Western Australia. As well as stunning photography of dogs in the workplace, the final collection will also feature a profile of the businesses who welcome dogs, heart warming stories, and the benefits of dogs in the workplace.
A study in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management found that people who bring their dogs into the workplace are less stressed, and that sense of job satisfaction extends to people who come into contact with the pet. Some of the largest companies in the world have pet-friendly policies, including: Nestle Purina, Google, Etsy, Amazon, Ben & Jerry’s and Proctor & Gamble.
“My motivation for this project stems from a strong belief that animals can and should be incorporated into our everyday lives, and that people and pets benefit equally from this inclusive approach.”
 They may be medical assistance dogs like Lacey at Kevrek Hydraulic Cranes, or they might be ‘best mates’ who provide companionship and an always willing ear like Dusty at the Inspirations Paint Factory, or a rescue dog like Winston who now lives a charmed life going to work every day at Better Pets and Gardens. What they will all have in common is that they are a vital and valued member of the team. So far, the interest in this book has come from diverse companies across Western Australia. As well as those featured here, businesses from a vineyard to a travel consultant to a funeral home where the resident pooch provides much needed comfort have expressed interest in being involved.
The anticipated completion date for the book is at the end of June 2017 to coincide with international Bring Your Dog to Work Day.
More info:

Lacey, the medical alert assistance dog at Kevrek Hydraulic Cranes in Malaga

Winston the fortunate rescue dog at Better Pets and Gardens in Kelmscott

Dusty the Kelpie at Inspirations Paint Factory in Bunbury
