These Men Became Breastfeeders For One Long, Long Day “You all make things look easier than they actually are.”

Breastfeeding is something most men don’t really understand (but have a lot of opinions about nonetheless). So we had two regular guys — Curly and Zach — give it a try so they could understand what it’s REALLY like.

Now you’re probably thinking… how is that going to work exactly? By using this breastfeeding and breast milk expression simulator.

Now you’re probably thinking… how is that going to work exactly? By using this breastfeeding and breast milk expression simulator.

As you might imagine, the guys were a little unsure of this at first.

As you might imagine, the guys were a little unsure of this at first.

Yup, Curly. All day.

Yup, Curly. All day.

But we have to give Curly props. He got expressing milk down pretty quickly.

The guys quickly started to experience the everyday struggles women know all too well.

The guys quickly started to experience the everyday struggles women know all too well.

They didn’t just experience the physical discomfort, though — they also found out breastfeeding can seriously interrupt your day. “I couldn’t get into a work rhythm,” Zach said. “Every time I’d get into a flow it was time to breastfeed.”

They also learned the hard way that women who breastfeed have to deal with a lot of attention in public (although Zach might’ve received a little less attention if he’d invested in a good nursing bra).

They also learned the hard way that women who breastfeed have to deal with a lot of attention in public (although Zach might’ve received a little less attention if he’d invested in a good nursing bra).

This attention was an eye opener for Curly who felt real anxiety about being in public when his alarm went off saying he had to breastfeed.

This attention was an eye opener for Curly who felt real anxiety about being in public when his alarm went off saying he had to breastfeed.
